Appointed Officers - 2022

The following appointed management positions are deemed necessary for the operation of the Club, by the President or the Executive Board. The term of office is for one year, and until successors are appointed and take office. Appointed officers may attend regular or special meetings of the Executive Board upon invitation, but do not have voting rights.

Historian:  Walter E. "Chip" Miller
443-681-0236    walteremiller@msn.com

Legislative Liaison:  Mike Natale
410-583-9171    mrnatale@verizon.net

Newsletter Editor:  Bill Wurzell
410-245-7164    54desotosedan@gmail.com

Program:  Walter E. "Chip" Miller
443-681-0236    walteremiller@msn.com

Publicity:  Buzz Diehl
410-377-5265    hdiehl60@hotmail.com

Refreshments:  Nancy Mattheu Zimmermann
410-560-0237     twirlingmemere@comcast.net

Social Chairman:  Judy Dawson
410-688-8358    jdawson228@gmail.com

Sunshine:  Margaret Werneth
410-668-3749    JFDeSoto@aol.com

Website:  Buzz Diehl
410-377-5265    hdiehl60@hotmail.com